Example Bounty
To help bounty sponsors better draft their bounty
Checked out existing Sponsored Bounties (WIP) and will be announced at hackathon date.
π₯ Explain your protocol here
Built on the NEAR Protocol, Pikespeak is a Data & Analytics solution offering to institutions, Web3 projects, and individuals: visualisations and dashboards of the most fundamental Web3 use cases; DeFi, DAOs, Gaming, NFTs, etc. a powerful Indexer and API covering 50+ data endpoints.
Do not specify a specific build. This is not a RFP. We recommend you include ideas as part of your track.
As part of this bounty you must build a BOS component on mainnet, using the Pikespeak API.
Put docs here, best communication channels, example references. Any resources to get developers start building today
API doc:https://doc.pikespeak.ai
API key: 36f2b87a-7ee6-40d8-80b9-5e68e587a5b5
Near Social doc:https://docs.near.org/discovery
NEAR Most Active Contracts:https://near.social/#/frichard2.near/widget/most-active-contractsβ¦
Ref Finance Live Swap:https://near.social/#/frichard2.near/widget/LiveRefFinanceSwaps
GIve examples for builders to leverage your technology. Considering ideas that showcase integrating multiple bounties.
Create a DAO Inflow / Outflow Visualization
Create A Most Active Wallets for Holders of A Particular NFT Collection
Specify the amount you have for each bounty and number of bounties, and in what currency
There will be 3 bounties all awarded in NEAR.
1st place 300 NEAR
2nd place 200 NEAR
3rd place 100 NEAR
Specify your available mentors
Francois Richard
TG Handle:
Title: Tech Lead at Pikespeak
Availability: M-W Afternoon
Where: directly on the BOS Telegram groupchat https://nearbuilders.com/tg-bos
Expertise: API development, widget development
Another great resource for mentors (especially if you are a non-sponsored mentor)
Last updated