For Mentors
We welcome mentors from any relevant areas of expertise, whether it be smart-contracts, web design, marketing, security, economics and more.
The hackathon takes place on Friday - Sunday Aug 25-September 10, 2023 and we would be happy to have you available to support hackers from at least the opening of the hackathon (Friday afternoon) to the closing of application submissions (Sunday morning).
About you - information we need
your area of expertise (or skills)
your username on Telegram where hackers can contact you
your time availability during the hackathon
Apply to be a mentor at afterward ping @codegoon on telegram through the Build DAO telegram, saying "I want to help out as a BOS HACKS mentor!".
What are you expected to do?
help hackers through our Hackathon Telegram group
BONUS: online workshop (evergreen content) or come to the daily office hours
Last updated